2021-2022 Registration is Now Open
MCGP School registration is now open for the 2020 - 2021 academic year!

Great news! This year we'll be offering both Saturday & Sunday schools.
InshaAllah, the MCGP School will be going back in-person for the year 2021-2022. Before you register, we ask that you please review the detailed information we have on our Admissions page. All registrations are final so we highly encourage you to read through our plan for the upcoming school year before you register. If you need financial aid we ask you please fill out the financial aid form available on our admissions page before you register.
Please register as soon as possible as our capacity is only 350 students!
What is the difference between Saturday & Sunday School?
Saturday and Sunday Schools offer the same curriculum, teaching standards and tuition fees.
Sunday School is being started in response to increased capacity demands from the community.
You can now choose to register your child for Saturday or Sunday depending on your availability.
This year Saturday School offers levels Kindergarten - 9, whereas Sunday School currently offers only levels Kindergarten - 5.
From 2022-2023 onwards, depending on demand, we plan for Sunday School to also offer K-9.
JazakAllah Khairun,
MCGP School Administration